Accidents and Sickness

If a child has an accident or becomes sick at school we try to contact the parents as soon as possible. If this is not possible we use the emergency number on your file. When we are unable to contact a parent and the child requires medical treatment we will take the child to the community clinic, unless we receive prior instructions.


The attendance roll is taken at 9.00am and 1.45pm. This is administered on an SMSystem (Schools Management System), all lateness, absenteeism and the reasons why are recorded by the school for the Ministry. Therefore, please try to have your child at school before the school bell is rung and telephone the school office before 9.00am if your child is to be absent/late that day. A written note is appreciated if your child has been absent or for the notice of an up and coming absence. - or contact the school office, or send a text. If your child usually takes the ‘school’ bus - please inform Jenny of absence before 7.30am.


We have a clear behaviour plan for our pupils. A copy of this is available at the school office. If you require any further clarification or information on this very important matter please contact the school.


First break 10.30-11.00am. This includes 10 minutes supervised eating. Second break 1.00-1.45pm. This includes 10 minutes supervised eating.


This is the key document by which the school operates. It contains a number of formal requirements expected by the Ministry of Education, and a number of local policies approved by the Board of Trustees. Copies of the Charter and policies are available for our parents/caregivers to read at the school office.

Daily Timetable

Four days a week between the hours of 9 and 1.00pm the main focus is Mathematics and Literacy. These may be integrated with other areas of the curriculum but the focus is still through these two areas. The children also partake in all areas of the Arts, Health & PE, Languages, Technology, Science, Social Science, and Social Studies.

Dental Therapists

A mobile dental caravan visits the school annually to check all the pupil’s teeth. Parents are sent information on any dental work that their child requires by the dental therapist.

Enrolment Procedures

If you wish to enrol your child please telephone the school to arrange an appointment. When you enrol your child please bring with you, the child’s birth certificate, emergency contact numbers, immunisation certificates and any relevant information on health, medication and general development. Enrolling five year olds are encouraged to visit the classroom on 3 or 4 occasions before their birthday. This helps make the transition from home to school smooth and secure. Please contact the school to arrange these visits.


Friends At Whataroa School. This is a group of parents/caregivers/grandparents and the community - past, present and future. Amongst many other things, they organize fundraising events for our school. We meet every 4 to 6 weeks  at school. Everyone is welcome.

The FAWS group run the Whataroa School Noticeboard on FaceBook.

Fluro Vests

Please ensure that your child wears them to and from school whatever mode of transport they are using as they are now compulsory for all members of our school.

Hearing and Vision

The Technicians come to school once a year, usually in the 2nd term. Mainly to assess Yr 7&Y8 children and 4 year

olds, but also any new children to our school or any referrals that families or staff may make.


Homework is a decision made by the classroom teacher, and supervised by the parents who are asked to help their child with their homework, but not give them the answers. All children are expected to read every evening, and have their reading log signed. Children in Year 2 and above may attend Homework club which runs on a Tuesday and Thursday from 3.15-4.15pm.


The school has an excellent well-resourced Library, which we share with the community. The children change their books weekly. We are very keen to see the Library being used. Children are allowed two books at a time and are encouraged to transport their books in their class reading folders/plastic bag. The community also uses the library to access books. There is a large range of adult fiction and non-fiction available. The library is open daily to the community.

Lost Property

If possible, try to ensure all clothing is labelled - especially gumboots. Lost property will be put in the cloakroom.


Bought hot lunches are available on Wednesdays. Please make sure your child’s name and order is written on the front of an envelope with the correct money inside. Menu can be obtained from the school office. Our school is soft drink free. We would appreciate it, if these items were not included in the pupil's lunch boxes.

Play Group

The local playgroup operates on the school site on Monday & Wednesday between 10.30am and 1.30pm.

Reporting to Parents

Parents are welcome to talk to the Principal and teachers at any time. Please telephone the school if you wish to make an appointment. ‘Three-way interviews’ are conducted formally 1st and 2nd term and informally in the 4th term if required.

School Events

Pet Day: Early November

Concert/Celebration Assembly: Whole community invited end of term 4

Family Picnic Lunch: All families invited to the school for a shared lunch

Camps: Educational Camps will take place in alternate years if possible.

Day trips: All students will be given opportunities for day trips, these are planned by classroom teachers to reinforce contexts within classroom learning. These can include Shantytown, local environments and museums.


Other Combined Events: Efforts are made to coordinate artists visiting the region. We also work closely with Doc and their Education dept.

Scholastic Book Club

Book Club leaflets are sent home during the year. Orders need to be returned to school as soon as possible. Please pay online or send cash to school.

School Bus

Contact the school initially if you hope to be part of this system. Your name and contact details will then be passed on to Bern Friend the driver and to the Ministry of Education.

School Photographs

Once a year a photographer will make arrangements to take individual, family and class photographs. Financial arrangements are between parents and the photographer. Parents will be notified via a newsletter prior to visit.

School Newsletter and Notices

A regular school newsletter will be placed online - on SEESAW and the website or sent home with your child if required. Other notices are sent home on occasions.

School Records

From time to time information changes with regard to facts we need for our school SMSystem. Please let us know of any change in information such as phone, address, email, medical (including update of vaccinations) or emergency contact number.

School Sport

Pupils are involved in a supervised lunchtime sport. Parent participation in supervising or coaching any sport is always welcome.

School Sports Uniform

At the beginning of each school year, sports uniforms are allocated to all students. These uniforms are only to be worn at school events. They remain the property of Whataroa School. These uniforms are valued at approximately $200.00 per set, so please wash separately and with care. The uniforms will need to be returned to school at the end of Term 4 or on leaving the school during the year.


This is an online programme which can be downloaded as a FREE Seesaw FAMILY app. Your child & teacher will share some of their learning here - you can see and comment on their ‘in-time’ learning. Also onto this app will be our newsletters and your child's reports. This app is our main point of contact for all families.

Smoke Free and Vape Free School

We are a smoke & vape free school. All parents/caregivers and visitors are asked to refrain from smoking or vaping inside the school grounds at all times.

South Westland Cluster Schools

Over the year we travel to and from other South Westland schools to participate in a variety of school activities:

Term 1: Swimming Sports at SWAS,

          Athletics at SWAS,

Term 2: Cross Country at Whataroa School.

Term 3: Music Festival at Fox Glacier Community Hall,

Term 4: Orienteering at Haast School.

We do require parental support with transport for these events.

School Stationery

This is purchased in bulk at the best possible price through various suppliers. At the beginning of each school year, we request $60.00 per student, parents may opt to pay as required. This should cover all stationery requirements for the year.

Sun Smart

Pupils must wear sunhats, sunscreen and suitable clothing during the risk periods of Terms 1 and 4.

Swimming Pool

The school pool is a shared community resource. It is a wonderful facility. The pool is usually operational in Term 4 until the end of Term 1. Pool keys are sold to the community at the local shop.

Year 7 & 8

The Year 7 & 8 students are transported to South Westland Area School (SWAS) in Hari Hari, every Friday. The Bus picks up students at 9:10am and returns to Whataroa, leaving Hari Hari at 2:00pm. The students attend Technology lessons in Food, Metal, Plastics & Material. Plus Science and Sport sessions.