Having whānau involved in the learning process is very important to us at Whataroa School. 

That's why we use Seesaw online learning journals. 

It's an easy way for children to share and keep a record of what they are learning.

Seesaw provides whānau with a 'window' into the classroom, and a way to connect with your child's learning.

Each student has their own Seesaw learning journal. They will keep this account for the whole of their time at Whataroa School. Posts in Seesaw will vary depending on student's age and classroom, but the purpose remains the same across the school; to allow students to share and keep a record of their learning. 

As a parent or family member you can receive notifications when your child makes a post to their journal, though the Seesaw parent app, free to download on any platform. 

Your child's teacher will provide instructions and invite you to access your child's learning journal. Grandparents, aunts and uncles are also encouraged to join!

Watch this intro video for more information.